This home is fully booked and all rooms are currently occupied.
House info
Shared PadSplit home in Atlanta, GA. The property has 3 parking spots that are reserved on a first-come basis and is 0.1 miles away from public transportation. The nearest grocery store is Family Dollar 1.6 miles away. For added security for members, this property has smart locks. Members can enjoy outdoor space on this property’s patio/porch and yard. This property has a common space with dining table. The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, stove, storage space, microwave and oven.
Driveway parking
Street parking
Parking at this property is currently full, but you may put your vehicle on the waitlist after booking. Learn more
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Your PadMates
You'll be sharing this home with other PadSplit members. Sign up and complete your application to see more info.
Our commitment to safety
We care about your security. Here are some of the ways we show it:
We conduct background screening on all PadSplit Members.
Know how your room locks before you book.
First room transfer is always free.
Washer & Dryer
Dining area
Rules violation may result in a Membership fine.
No kitchen appliances in bedrooms
Due to the nature of co-living, no guests allowed
Quiet time is observed from 11PM to 9AM daily
No outside furniture allowed
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(ID: 1195)