Still not convinced? See how much you could save with PadSplit!
Rent savings calculator
Let’s see what you’d save if you stay with PadSplit! Select a location or put in your exact living
costs to see your savings on rent and utilities.
Show living expenses for:
The United States
Rent (per month)
Electricity bill (per month)
Water bill (per month)
Gas bill (per month)
Internet (per month)
Trash/Recycling (per month)
Pre-filled amounts are based on the average cost of living in The United States. Sources include Zumper, RentCafe,, Apartment List, Zillow, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), Numbeo, and Expatistan.
You could save
living with PadSplit
You could fly to
New York
You could start
A new hobby
Invest that in
You could put that toward
A car payment
You could buy some
New shoes
That’ll cover
A gym membership
Treat yourself by
Dining out
Give your loved one
A nice gift
Treat yourself by
Dining out
Give your loved one
A nice gift
That’s not all
At PadSplit, we’re more than a room rentals: we're your path to a better future. More than 11,000 members have lived with us, and here’s why:
Improved credit scores
PadSplit reports your on-time weekly payments, helping members build a credit history for their future. More than 85% of our members improve their credit.
Free utilities, including Wi-Fi
No more worrying about what utilities to set up and remembering which bills to pay! PadSplit takes care of utilities, including Wi-Fi, so you don’t have to.
Flexibility you need
You aren't locked into a long-term lease or a big security deposit. Whether you move for work or are ready to find your own place, we make it easy to move out and up.