Private backyard cottage with additional home office space

This home is fully booked and all rooms are currently occupied.

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House info

Additional Housing Unit (ADU)
A backyard cottage in the Historic South Atlanta neighborhood with vaulted ceilings, modern appliances, and real wood floors. The unit was recently constructed, and comes with with a full kitchen equipped with modern appliances, as well as a washer-dryer. Unit has a second bedroom that can be used as a work-from-home office space or additional sleeping area. Washer/dryer included en-suite. No pets allowed, unfortunately. The property is within walking distance of Carver Grocery Market and Community Ground Coffee. It's also 10 minutes from Summerhill, Grant Park, Lakewood Amphitheatre, Southside Beltline trail, Georgia State, and Downtown Atlanta.


Street parking
1 open parking spot remaining
Your Host allows for a limited number of vehicles to park on the property. If you wish to park on the property, please register your vehicle. Learn more

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We care about your security. Here are some of the ways we show it:
We conduct background screening on all PadSplit Members.
Know how your room locks before you book.
First room transfer is always free.


Washer & Dryer
Dining area
Living room


Rules violation may result in a Membership fine.
No smoking
No pets are allowed. Registered emotional support and service animals are permitted.
No kitchen appliances in bedrooms
Due to the nature of co-living, no guests allowed
No overnight guests allowed
Quiet time is observed from 11PM to 9AM daily
No outside furniture allowed
No parking in the backyard. Only street parking.
No using backyard space for parties or guests.
Guests require minimum 7 day written notice.
Full name, phone, + email of any guest required.
No more than 1 guest permitted.
Guests are subject to approval by landlord.
Guests are not permitted for more than 3 nights.
Guests may not be provided the lockbox code.
No parties.
Guests must follow all rules of the house.

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(ID: 5876)