**SUPERHOST** Welcome to your new home! This home is a newly-renovated with a HUGE POOL, FREE laundry, small dining table, a workspace in each room, and is in an extremely convenient location. The kitchen comes equipped with a fridge, sink, oven, stovetop, dishwasher as well as an eating area. There is 2x a month house keeping, 1x a month landscaping, 1x a month preventative pest control. Each room has high-speed 1GB wifi, is spacious with quality mattresses, has extra security locks and a work desk & chair. The neighborhood is just a walk away from bus stations. In addition, the Interstate 10 and State Route 101 are nearby, making this an extremely central location.
There is a supermarket and Walmart nearby for all your grocery needs.
For entertainment, Desert Sky Mall, Ak-Chin Pavilion and many restaurants are just a short drive away.
Stay rewards
This host offers Stay rewards. Get 1 week free if you stay at this house for 6 months.
Driveway parking
Street parking
4 open parking spots remaining
Your Host allows for a limited number of vehicles to park on the property. If you wish to park on the property, please register your vehicle. Learn more
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Our commitment to safety
We care about your security. Here are some of the ways we show it:
We conduct background screening on all PadSplit Members.
Know how your room locks before you book.
First room transfer is always free.
Washer & Dryer
Dining area
Upgraded appliances
Rules violation may result in a Membership fine.
No smoking
No pets are allowed. Registered emotional support and service animals are permitted.