PadSplit vs. single-family home earnings calculator
Learn how PadSplit compares to single-family home rentals and how you can earn more hosting on PadSplit.
Compare your earnings
Original bedroom count
Additional bedrooms
Market rent per month
Asset purchase price
This calculator is for illustration only and should not be considered legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. Consult qualified professionals for guidance. PadSplit provides no warranties for projected earnings. Users should conduct their own research when evaluating investments.
Hosts in Atlanta, GA
earn on average $4649 a month
Make more money, do more good
Better returns
Collections rate
PadSplit is a housing marketplace that connects property owners with pre-screened residents seeking an affordable place to live. We help real estate investors leverage under-utilized space in their existing properties to make it more profitable for them and more affordable for community members.
Host in Tampa, FL
My PadSplit properties perform very well. I’m making about 120% more than I would normally be making because I’m renting by the room, and I keep them full.
Host in Tampa, FL
You’re getting the best of both worlds. There’s the cashflow and you’re making a little bit of a difference.
Common questions from Hosts
What is considered a good return for a rental property?
How do I use this calculator?
What is the ROI for the rental property?
What are the assumed values in the calculation?
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