
Close to public transit, Christopher can commute with ease.

Did you know more than 75% of PadSplits are within a mile of public transportation?

Our Members choose PadSplit for a variety of reasons. Some appreciate the flexibility of not signing a lease, and others use the money they save to pursue homeownership. For Christopher, finding a PadSplit close to public transit was an important part of his home search. Luckily, we make sure most of our rooms are close to public transportation, because we know our Members need to move with ease to work, school, or anywhere else!

Christopher’s journey to financial independence is one we hear a lot at PadSplit. Many Members see PadSplit as a way for them to gain control in other areas of their lives. With flexible, affordable, safe housing, they can focus on writing a new story — one room at a time.

inspiring story

Christopher M

For retired Army veteran, Chris, PadSplit allows him to live closer to his job
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Our members save an average of $420 a month living in PadSplit.