Sarenceya & Billy Joe

Sarenceya helped Billy Joe find a secure and stable place to live after moving back to Atlanta.

Sarenceya helped Billy Joe find a secure and stable place to live after moving back to Atlanta.

The oldest of seven kids, Sarenceya’s been the mama bear in her family for as long as she can remember. When her younger brother Billy Joe was moving back to Atlanta in late 2021, she knew she wanted to help him settle in. But with three grown kids of her own and running a business from home, her place just wasn’t big enough.

So she started looking for other housing options, but the options were slim.

She visited multiple extended stay motels in the city, including one Billy Joe had previously stayed in, and was shocked. “It costs $300 a week, and it was falling apart! The roof was about to cave in, and it looked like the city could come and shut it down any day.”

Sarenceya found PadSplit in her research, but she saw some negative reviews and was pretty hesitant at first. But she knew Billy Joe needed stability for his transition back to Atlanta, and she decided she’d give PadSplit a shot for two months.

On move-in day, Sarenceya was pleasantly surprised. Billy Joe had the privacy he needed, with a lock on his door and a separate entrance.

She’d read about cleanliness and PadMate issues, but Sarenceya says Billy Joe’s PadSplit didn’t have that problem. The bathrooms were clean, with extra cleaning supplies that made it easy to keep it that way. One of Billy Joe’s PadMates even baked cookies and left them in the kitchen for everyone to enjoy.

“Billy Joe’s been through a lot in the past few years, and he needs a family unit. Even though he’s pretty introverted and keeps to himself, it was a safe and stable place for him.”

Because the minimum stay in a PadSplit is only one month and Members pay week-by-week after that, Sarenceya didn’t have to worry about breaking a lease or paying a big fine when Billy Joe moved out. He’s since moved to Texas to spend time with his other sisters, but Sarenceya says she’s sold on PadSplit.

During Billy Joe’s two-month stay at his PadSplit, Sarenceya even became friends with one of his PadMates. Even though Billy Joe has moved out, they text often and even have a lunch date on the calendar.

“I really feel like the quality for the price is an incredible set-up at PadSplit. You will not find a set-up as nice as PadSplit at any weekly stays, especially in Atlanta. Trust me. I’ve tried!”

At PadSplit, we open doors to new opportunities for Members like Billy Joe every day. Whether you’re looking to stay at PadSplit for a month or indefinitely, we have a room for you. Become a PadSplit Member today.

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Christopher M

For retired Army veteran, Chris, PadSplit allows him to live closer to his job
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Our members save an average of $420 a month living in PadSplit.